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Monday, November 25, 2013



Below, you will find a list of famous people and time periods in  early Theater History.  You must select ONE and research them.  Once you have conducted your research, you will then write a 2-3 page paper on the subject. Your grade will be based on three components. These are:
1.    Content and Information. Ask yourself, “Did I do enough research to feel like I know what I am talking about on this subject?”  You should feel very comfortable with your topic and able to chat about it if asked.
2.    Format. There are very specific requirements for this paper.  It must be:
·      Typed, double spaced and in 12 point font
·      1” margins all around
·      Times and Courier are the only fonts accepted.
·      There must be at least one primary source/book as a reference. All sources must be cited. Plagiarism is academic dishonesty and is punishable by failure for the class for the quarter. If you are unsure as to whether or not you are plagiarizing, please feel free to email me a sample of your paper and I will let you know.
·      Internet sources are accepted, but they must also be cited. For information on how to cite a source, click here.
·      A bibliography or resource list must also be included. If you don't know how to write one, you can find instructions by clicking here. 

3.    Presentation. These papers will be shared with the class. Be aware of your audience when writing and present the material in a way that will hold their interest. Did you write this in a way that was both interesting and informative?  Would this be something that your classmates would enjoy reading? Be creative, but still stick to the subject you researched and be prepared to answer questions on your topic.
There are several websites that offer suggestions about how to present papers in new and creative ways. Click here, or here, or here for some suggestions. Make sure that you do your best NOT to be boring. 

·      Anton Chekov: Initially a medical student who wrote short stories to pay for his studies, Anton Chekov had matured by the turn of the century into Russia’s greatest dramatist.[1]
·      Aristophanes: the greatest representative of ancient Greek comedy and the one whose works have been preserved in greatest quantity. [2]
·      August Strindberg: Swedish novelist & playwright.
·      Bunraku Theatre: a form of traditional Japanese puppet theatre, founded in Osaka in 1684.
·      Chinese Opera: a popular form of drama and musical theatre in China with roots going back as far as the third century.
·      Christopher Marlowe: an English playwright, dramatist, and poet of the Elizabethan era. Also a great influencer of Shakespeare’s works.
·      Commedia dell’arte: A type of Italian improvisational comedy that originated in the 16th and 17th centuries that uses stock characters in masks and costumes.
·      Constantin Stanislavski: A Russian actor and theater director known as the father of Method Acting.
·      Euripides: An Athenian tragic playwright. One of the greatest playwrights of Ancient Greece.
·      George Bernard Shaw: Irish playwright & journalist.
·      Henrik Ibsen: 19th-century Norwegian playwright, theatre director, and poet. He is often referred to as "the father of realism."
·      Kabuki Theatre: a classical Japanese dance-drama. Kabuki theatre is known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers
·      Melodrama: A sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events/ a lot of danger in order to appeal to the emotions. A drama, such as a play, film, or television program, characterized by exaggerated emotions, stereotypical characters, and interpersonal conflicts.[3]
·      Moliere: French playwright and actor considered to be one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature.
·      Moscow Art Theatre: A theater venue for naturalistic theater. Also where most of Constantin Stanislavski’s plays were performed
·      Noh Drama: a major form of classical Japanese musical drama that has been performed since the 14th century
·      Opera: an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text (called a libretto) and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting.[4]
·      Origin of Greek Theatre/Greek Theatre: The Greek philosopher Aristotle first observed what we would call theater during the annual festivals to honor Dionysus.
·      Origin of Medieval Theatre/Types of Medieval Drama:  Medieval theater grew out of religious ritual, much like ancient Greek theater.
·      Origin of Roman Theatre/Roman Theatre: Based on Greek theater, Roman theater differed because it was used largely for entertainment.
·      Sarah Bernhardt: A beautiful French actress known for her gorgeous voice as much as her flamboyant style.
·      Shakespeare: Often referred to as the greatest playwright in the English language.
·      Sophocles: One of three tragic Greek playwrights whose works have survived to present day.

By the time we return from

[1]  Ommanney, Katharine Anne. & Schanker,Harry H.  The Stage & The School. New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, March 24, 1998.

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